
Posts about:

Multifamily Revenue Management

Audience Hands Up

The Human Side of Multifamily Data: REBA Insights in Review

Spring conference season this year is a bit more interesting than usual. It's mostly thanks to a couple of new conferences on the circuit that I think will further important industry conversations. A few weeks ago, the inaugural "Forum," Hosted by Funnel Leasing, established a new place to discuss the increasingly popular topic of centralization. Last week saw the inaugural REBA Insights conference in Vail, CO. There were parallels between the two events that I will discuss in this post. 

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The gap in Multifamily Advocacy

Why Multifamily Revenue Management Needs Advocacy

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the experience of participating in a Colorado state congressional hearing on a proposed law to outlaw revenue management. One of several points in that article was about the potential gap in our industry's advocacy that appears when state legislatures create national problems. 

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Does Colorado Really Hate Multifamily?

Does Colorado Really Hate Multifamily?

Last week, a couple of important events unfolded in the ongoing story of multifamily revenue management (RM). On Tuesday, a US Senate bill was introduced, mostly restating the illegality of price-fixing. Although this bill has received considerable attention, it goes nowhere near as far as a Colorado state bill that was presented to a committee hearing at the Colorado Capitol one day later. 

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Multifamily Revenue Management - Barking up the wrong tree

Multifamily Pricing Trends: Barking up the Wrong Tree

There's been a lot of talk of multifamily pricing over the last year or so, with a slew of high-profile lawsuits alleging that software is forcing prices upwards across the USA. In a December 2023 newsletter,  NMHC did a thorough job of showing how record supply is placing downward pressure on rents. 

NMHC's extensive analysis makes it clear that it is supply and demand, not software, that drives pricing across multifamily markets. But that is not the subject of this article

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RealWorld 2023 - RealPage User Conference

The Marie Kondo Effect: Thoughts on RealWorld 2023

This week I had the pleasure of attending RealWorld 2023, RealPage's annual user conference in Las Vegas. It was an enjoyable couple of days that at once offered a glimpse of the future of an evolving industry giant and a trip or two down memory lane. I will share my thoughts on both in this article.

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Multifamily BI In The Spotlight at RETCON 2023

Today is the final day of a highly successful RETCON 2023 conference. Yesterday I attended an engaging session about analytics featuring some senior leaders from the multifamily industry. It was one of the more insightful BI panels I've seen in recent years, touching on familiar themes: How data flows between different systems, how to maintain and use metrics and how to get users to leverage the BI capabilities that companies create. 

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Playing Telephone With Multifamily Revenue Management

Playing Telephone With Multifamily Revenue Management

This week, ProPublica released another article in its series about multifamily revenue management (RM). Normally this would be unremarkable; after all, since the original article last October, there has been a steady flow of articles from myriad outlets, mostly restating the points of that original piece. But what is interesting about this most recent article is that it exposes just how poorly ProPublica understands the practices of RM and how little work they appear to have done to verify the claims upon which its original allegations were based.

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Posts about:

Multifamily Revenue Management

Audience Hands Up

The Human Side of Multifamily Data: REBA Insights in Review

Spring conference season this year is a bit more interesting than usual. It's mostly thanks to a couple of new conferences on the circuit that I think will further important industry conversations. A few weeks ago, the inaugural "Forum," Hosted by Funnel Leasing, established a new place to discuss the increasingly popular topic of centralization. Last week saw the inaugural REBA Insights conference in Vail, CO. There were parallels between the two events that I will discuss in this post. 

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The gap in Multifamily Advocacy

Why Multifamily Revenue Management Needs Advocacy

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the experience of participating in a Colorado state congressional hearing on a proposed law to outlaw revenue management. One of several points in that article was about the potential gap in our industry's advocacy that appears when state legislatures create national problems. 

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Does Colorado Really Hate Multifamily?

Does Colorado Really Hate Multifamily?

Last week, a couple of important events unfolded in the ongoing story of multifamily revenue management (RM). On Tuesday, a US Senate bill was introduced, mostly restating the illegality of price-fixing. Although this bill has received considerable attention, it goes nowhere near as far as a Colorado state bill that was presented to a committee hearing at the Colorado Capitol one day later. 

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Multifamily Revenue Management - Barking up the wrong tree

Multifamily Pricing Trends: Barking up the Wrong Tree

There's been a lot of talk of multifamily pricing over the last year or so, with a slew of high-profile lawsuits alleging that software is forcing prices upwards across the USA. In a December 2023 newsletter,  NMHC did a thorough job of showing how record supply is placing downward pressure on rents. 

NMHC's extensive analysis makes it clear that it is supply and demand, not software, that drives pricing across multifamily markets. But that is not the subject of this article

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RealWorld 2023 - RealPage User Conference

The Marie Kondo Effect: Thoughts on RealWorld 2023

This week I had the pleasure of attending RealWorld 2023, RealPage's annual user conference in Las Vegas. It was an enjoyable couple of days that at once offered a glimpse of the future of an evolving industry giant and a trip or two down memory lane. I will share my thoughts on both in this article.

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Multifamily BI In The Spotlight at RETCON 2023

Today is the final day of a highly successful RETCON 2023 conference. Yesterday I attended an engaging session about analytics featuring some senior leaders from the multifamily industry. It was one of the more insightful BI panels I've seen in recent years, touching on familiar themes: How data flows between different systems, how to maintain and use metrics and how to get users to leverage the BI capabilities that companies create. 

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Playing Telephone With Multifamily Revenue Management

Playing Telephone With Multifamily Revenue Management

This week, ProPublica released another article in its series about multifamily revenue management (RM). Normally this would be unremarkable; after all, since the original article last October, there has been a steady flow of articles from myriad outlets, mostly restating the points of that original piece. But what is interesting about this most recent article is that it exposes just how poorly ProPublica understands the practices of RM and how little work they appear to have done to verify the claims upon which its original allegations were based.

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